What is Wingman?
Wingman is a cloud based solution that creates a fully documented and timestamped history of all customer communications from initial contact to service calls.
The need for a system to gather valuable business data has existed since way before computers were even thought of. Tickler boxes (a plastic box that held A5 sized lined-cards that one could write on) were relatively effective as each card could contain loads of information about the client, however this was limited to the size of the card. Since the advent of computers businesses have gone to great lengths to procure/create a system that can allow each team-member to report back what is going on in their respective departments.
Before Wingman the challenge was to create a system which all staff are eager to use and which is set-up to harvest as much useful information as is possible. This is where it got tricky as the system was either very complicated and thus intimidating for the average user or too simple and thus unable to deliver meaningful analysis.
Introducing Wingman.
Wingman is designed to offer the marketer an easy to use environment, focused on speed of access to client and company information while offering management meaningful back-end research and data that can be used to redirect or simply just accelerate the direction of the business.
The various Wingman forms have replaced the tickler box cards and contain information about a prospect as well as a prospect’s company - with enough space to add even more.
What happened with this client?
Which product does this client usually buy?
Which documents has this client received in the past?
Did this client read the last bulk mailer?
Does this client respond better to SMS or phone calls?
The answers to these questions and many others are continually collected by the system, meaning that any person connecting to the system at a later date is instantly up-to-date and can sound informed and thus professional when dealing with the client.
Wingman’s bulk email and SMS facilities means being able to communicate critical information to thousands of customers in seconds.
Wingman focuses on three key areas of marketing:
Universal Reception
Sales and Customer Relations
Universal Reception (Turning your website and facebook page into a virtual office)
Wingman captures “walk-in” traffic whether it be from traditional methods like phone calls and literally - customers walking in to your company offices or more modern methods such as visits to your website or even social media pages.
In other words with Wingman’s Live Chat - a potential customer visiting your facebook profile or your website asking for information, can be responded to instantly by your marketing department.
Wow - I think to myself, this document is sounding great, only another thousand words or so (just kidding) - how was my “responded to instantly” sentence – inspired I tell you. I think I am going to publish this as a standalone microsite with links back to the main site.
I login to the admin back-end -> click on brands –> select corporate solutions –> select SAAS -> type in Wingman under models and paste this into the text box and click save. Done, I have just converted this document into a microsite.
Additionally - all sales team members using Wingman now have access to this information from the dashboard to send as a document or as part of a quote to customers that they feel would be able to use this.
Sales and Customer Relations
Quickly being able to communicate with your entire customer base and simultaneously recording the event is what makes Wingman an essential business tool.
Imagine having your tickler box of leads with you any time anywhere, with a good in-car, hands-free solution you can now make a call to a client while travelling to another client and know exactly what to say because you know exactly what was said before. Never get lost going to a meeting as the mobile version of Wingman allows you to select google maps from the contact form.
Some advantages of using Wingman
- Monitor your sales team’s workload.
Wingman helps you monitor all sales activity including incoming calls. Visits to your website, pages viewed, even the amount of time spent on each page. Sales monitoring and comprehensive reports.
You can now monitor your sales team in real-time and deal with niggles before they become issues.
- Manage and view all documentation.
Make sure that your team have access to the company’s latest corporate messages. Wingman allows you to quickly upload documents and make them available to your entire team. You can also provide customised documents for your customers.
- Monitor and communicate with visitors to your website.
How important is it for you to know how many people are visiting your website – what they are looking at and how long they stared at it for. Wingman continuously monitors all activity on your website and lets you talk to clients as though they were standing right in front of you.
- Send progress updates via SMS to clients.
Wingman offers emails and messaging that can be sent to bulk customers or individuals straight from the system. Give system access to production who can easily inform clients about the progress of their order or accounts can send payment reminders.
All communications can be personalised.
- Schedule appointments.
Wingman offers a full calendar service that updates both your local outlook (or most other calendar software) as well as your customers’ calendar - making it the fastest way to schedule meetings.
- Manage incoming as well as outgoing calls.
Give reception access to the system to monitor all incoming calls and or personal visits to the company. You can now easily track your clients experience with your company from initial contact all the way through to first order.
- Create, manage and send quotations or invoices.
Quickly and easily create a full order or quotation from the system. To convert the quote to an invoice takes a single click or upload your quotes and invoices to client to keep track of theses communications.
- Publish products and/or services as standalone SEO enhanced micro sites.
Wingman uses Edge’s powerful backend system to quickly create web pages.
- Teamwork
Wingman supports and records all collaborative efforts meaning more support and quicker sales conversions.
- Worldwide data access
Wingman is a full cloud solution which means that information is available to any device at any time and from anywhere.
- Business continuity
No time is lost. A new staff member can quickly determine what was going on when looking through a customer’s communication and job progress history.
Wingman simply means taking control of your business.
Product Touch-Points
The internet has quickly moved away from being an online catalogue to a commercial hub. With online sales breaking new records daily - consumers are finding it easier to visit businesses “at the” website, rather than as they would have traditionally visited “at the” office.
Wingman together with Edge converts your website into a virtual office. Your customer will now be able to visit, communicate and transact with you in exactly the same way they would have been able to - by simply walking in.
You can now quickly virtualise your product and/or service offering with Webnerd Edge micro-sites thus enabling the consumer a convenient touch point to your products.
How to get started?
It is also super easy to get you started. If you haven’t already done so send us an email with your company details - together with the names and email addresses of your team and we will set-up a trial account for you to use.
Already have a database?
That’s great – include that information in the email and one of our partners will be in contact with you to migrate any data that you have to the Wingman system.
You can start using Wingman straight out the box or you may want to consider personalising the various elements such as the email stationery, invoices and so on. Let us know and we will get our designer nerds to contact you for the various elements they require.
In Conclusion
Wingman is loved by sales people because, quite simply, it does what they need it to do and asks for nothing in return. Because of this, management enjoy a great flow of usable business data.
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